Films, TV, Animations
- 参与电影《神偷奶爸3》、《抢劫坚果店2》、《愤怒的小鸟大电影》配乐。
- 动画《宝可梦:同梦之旅》配乐作曲。Music for Animation "Pokémon: The Journey of a Shared Dream"
- 上海美术电影制片厂,哔哩哔哩国创联合呈现《中国奇谭》配乐。(第28届上海国际电视节白玉兰奖最佳动画剧本奖)Music for "Yao-Chinese Folktales" by Shanghai Animation Film Studio and Bilibili, which wins Shanghai International TV Festival Magnolia Award Best Writing Animation 2023
- 中央电视台、腾讯视频出品电视剧《山花烂漫时》(原名:大山里的女校)配乐作曲。Scoring for TV Series "Girls' School in the Mountains" by CCTV-1
- 《十万个冷笑话2》大电影配乐。Scoring for Animated Film “One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes 2”
- Mike Johnson电影《Ping-Pong Rabbit》配乐。Scoring for “Ping-Pong Rabbit”, directed by Mike Johnson
- 企鹅影视出品《斗罗大陆》配乐。Music for Animation “Soul Land (Douluo Dalu)”
- 玄机科技出品《武庚纪》配乐。Music for Animation “The Journey of Wugeng"
- 爱奇艺《风起洛阳之神机少年》音乐制作。(2022釜山国际电影节亚洲内容大奖最佳亚洲动画提名) Music for "The LuoYang" Animation Series, which was nominated Best Asian Animation at Busan International Film Festival Asia Contents Awards 2022.
- 3D大型仙侠动画《太乙仙魔录》第一季、第二季配乐。Scoring for Animation “The Magical Land” Season 1 & 2
- 《七侯笔录》配乐、片尾曲制作。'Spirits in Chinese Brushes' scoring and ending song production
- 《汉化日记》pv音乐制作。Music for Animation "God Trouble Me" trailer
- 《黑白无双 第三季》音乐制作。Music for Animation "The Unparalleled Black & White 3"
- 《蜀山奇仙录》音乐制作。Music for Tencent Video Animation Series "Legend of Sho"
- 《萌鸡小队大电影》主题曲制作。Music producer for the Main title song of the animated film “KATURI the Movie: The Big City Adventure”
- 海润影视出品《诡案组之魔影杀手》配乐。Scoring for the film “X-Squad”
- 成龙监制电影《我是谁2015》配乐。Music Production for “Amnesia", which was Produced by Jackie Chan
- 电视剧《红》配乐。Scoring for TV “The Red”
- 中国卡通出品《蓝漠的花》配乐。Scoring for Animation "A Wonderful Flower"
- 蒙特利尔国际电影节入围短片《Mission Quandary》配乐。Scoring for “Mission Quandary”, nominated for the 39th Montreal World Film Festival
- 光线传媒彩条屋影业LOGO音乐设计。Composing opening theme for Coloroom Pictures LOGO
- 柠萌影视LOGO音乐设计。Composing opening theme for Linmon Pictures LOGO
- 纪录片《Arctic Night》音乐制作。Scoring for the documentary "Arctic Night"
- 电影《Love is Color Blind》配乐,获得2022洛杉矶电影奖最佳原创电影配乐。 Scoring for "Love is Color Blind” wins Best Original Score at Los Angeles Movie Award 2022
Video Games
- 暴雪娱乐魔兽世界音乐节2021。World of Warcraft Music Festival 2021 by Blizzard Entertainment
- 腾讯、盛趣游戏《龙之谷2》。Music for Tencent Games "Dragon Nest 2"
- 网易游戏《逆水寒》配乐。Music for NetEase Games “Justice Online”
- 梦工厂工作室和创梦天地游戏《梦工厂大冒险》音乐制作。Music for DreamWorks and Idreamsky Games “DreamWorks Most Wanted”
- Steam冒险游戏:SCP收容:秘密档案。Music for the Steam game: "SCP: Secret Files"
- 完美世界《旧日传说》配乐,音效制作。Music & Sound Design for Perfect World “Shadow of Nyog”
- 开放世界ACT游戏《望月》配乐。Music for opening-world ACT game "Moon Gaze"
- 深蓝互动《重返未来:1999》部分配乐制作。Music for Video Game "Reverse: 1999"
- Steam VR游戏《星尘:地球之书》配乐,荣获2016金翎奖。Music for Steam VR Game “Star Dust: The Book of Earth”
- IGG出品手游《王者天下:Kingdoms Mobile》配乐,音效制作。Music & Sound Design for IGG “Kingdoms Mobile”
- 乐逗游戏竞技手游《Justified》配乐。Music for Idreamsky Games “Justified”
- 3D动作手游《暗黑血统Inception》配乐。Music for Mobile Game “Inception”
Commercials & Events
- 华强方特主题公园《东方神画》项目音乐制作。Music for Fantawild Amusement Park
- 2017南宁东盟博览会项目作曲。Music for China-ASEAN Expo
- LG广告音乐制作。LG Electronics Commercial Music
- 第二届丝绸之路国际电影节闭幕式音乐制作。Closing Ceremony Music of 2nd Silk Road International Film Festival
- 新华网沉浸式艺术特展《时间的光辉》配乐。Immersive Exhibition "The Brilliance of Time"
- C919大型客机下线仪式音乐制作。China unveiled its first large passenger jet: C919 Event Music
- 金东印象大型城市宣传片配乐制作。City Promotion Film Music “Jindong Impressions”
© Tiannan Cai